Alternatives to GoDaddy?


New member
I have two personal website domains and GoDaddy is telling me it's time to renew.

Would gurus here recommend using Go Daddy? Are there better registrars?

I'm pretty ignorant on this stuff. Thanks for the help.
Let'sgoflying! said:
how do you prise your domain name out of GoDaddy’s (or others’) hands at renewal time?
You enter the name at the new registrar, the. Make a transfer request. This usually requires some extra security verification at the registrar that is transferring the name out.
I try and avoid GoDaddy. As I recall they supported the legislation to regulate the internet which everyone was up in arms about some years ago. They also ran those strange ads with Daniella Patrick, the female race car driver.

But what really got to me was when I heard a talk by one of their attorneys that was involved in their initial setup and who is still with them. She apparently considers her job very important because she “controls the kill switch on half the internet”. Not the sort of people I want running my domain or hosting.