Search results

  1. Ron Wanttaja

    Starting with the alternator off?

    Nope. Probably some glitch in the B&C solid-state regulator. Wouldn't know how to trouble-shoot that, and the workaround is so simple there's no reason to try to figure it out. After I installed the system, I was mighty peeved when the system failed to charge on the first start. Flipped the...
  2. Ron Wanttaja

    Starting with the alternator off?

    My alternator won't work if it's on when I start the engine. I can cycle the switch and then it works, but now eliminate the middle-man and start with it off. B&C alternator and regulator on a C-85. Ron Wanttaja
  3. Ron Wanttaja

    Why annual inspections by Busch

    I'm in agreement regarding avoiding paper-whipped annuals. Planes DO need to be occasionally inspected. But shouldn't this be based on hours, not calendar days? I fly 25-30 hours a year, but each year, I have to disassemble the aircraft and splay it all out so the A&P can look at it. Then I...
  4. Ron Wanttaja

    Propellantless thrust?

    I forwarded the article to one of my fellow retirees, who worked propulsion through his entire career, including developing electronic propulsion. His comment echoed the classic, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." He says these have come up over the years, but none of them...
  5. Ron Wanttaja

    Propellantless thrust?

    Rather stupidly written. Propulsion systems don't produce "Gs" of thrust. pounds of thrust, gram-force of thrust, newtons of thrust, yeah, but not "one Earth gravity of thrust". THAT depends on the mass of the object it is trying to propel. In the text of the article, it mentions that the...
  6. Ron Wanttaja

    Interview with a former Boeing manager about the Max problems

    Extralegal entities like the Mafia are one thing...a (nominal) legitimate business is entirely another. Not saying they COULDN'T find a pro, but they're far more likely to come up with someone who botches the job or spills the beans as soon as the cops start questioning them. Way, WAY more...
  7. Ron Wanttaja

    STC-PMA approved - available with or without the STC?

    I wrote that 20 years ago, but I think my intent was to say that owners of Experimental aircraft could buy the starter without an STC, but owners of a certified aircraft aircraft would have to buy the STC version. Ron Wanttaja
  8. Ron Wanttaja

    Third Starship test launch attempt

    There's no financial advantage for private industry; it's not like there's a profit to be made. It's not like European countries swarming over the New World in the 1500s to the gold, no silver, no way to make exploration pay. Spain's *entire* economy was propped up by the gold...
  9. Ron Wanttaja

    Third Starship test launch attempt

    Thinking waaay back, I think the predicted loss rate for the Space Shuttle was higher than what actually happened. We're certainly risk averse, probably very much due to the low casualty rate in the first ~25 years of US manned space operations. Wasn't until Challenger that we lost crew during...
  10. Ron Wanttaja

    TSA Investigating Woman Who Boarded American Airlines Flight From Nashville to Los Angeles Without Ticket

    We can complain about TSA's complicity in this, but please note that the person made it past the gate agents to board the aircraft. The gate agents are controlled by the airline, not the government. I want to know how TSA failed, sure, but really want to know how she waltzed past the gate...
  11. Ron Wanttaja

    How long do your batteries last?

    Up to ten years. My last car battery went six. Still was starting the car, but the computer didn't like it. Seattle area, very mild weather. Ron Wanttaja
  12. Ron Wanttaja

    Zip ties in the engine compartment?

    Guy in the next hangar is an airline A&P. He was like the aliens in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" when he saw zip-ties on the engine side of the firewall.... Ron Wanttaja
  13. Ron Wanttaja

    I guess the passengers are conducting the pre-flights now?

    Wasn't a brand-new airplane like the Max door-plug aircraft; more likely a Virgin maintenance issue that could happen to any brand. Ron Wanttaja
  14. Ron Wanttaja

    Seems the FAA is upping its scrutiny of former military pilots

    It's like a bank robber complaining that the cops drove the wrong way on a one-way street on the way to arrest him. Some of these people either are defrauding the Government (e.g., getting paid for a disability that doesn't actually disable them) or committing perjury (lying on their medical...
  15. Ron Wanttaja

    Marvel Mystery Oil

    I find MMO keeps the elephants from my hangar. Good enough for me! :) Actually, my first A&P in the Fly Baby world had gotten his start at Northwest Airlines, keeping the Constellations flying. He recommended MMO in the Fly Baby, and I've been using it since. Ron Wanttaja
  16. Ron Wanttaja

    The rate of near misses and the effective cost of a collision.

    Can't afford that...does that mean I can't live anymore? But if you're asking if $10.7 million in OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY to save my life is worth it, then the answer is a resounding "yes." Kinda like how I was forced to put a quarter of the value of my plane into equipment that makes other...
  17. Ron Wanttaja

    Why requiring medical certificates may not improve aviation safety

    I've heard (and would be interested in any reference to confirm) that when medical requirement were instituted by the Department of Commerce in the '20s and '30s, the purpose was to identify pilots who would be medically fit to become Army or Navy pilots in a national emergency. Made sense in...
  18. Ron Wanttaja

    Why didn't Amelia, Jerrie Mock, and Lindbergh use floatplanes?

    Having floats <> Being able to land anywhere on the water. Floats lets planes land in relatively calm waters like lakes and bays. They aren't really suitable for open-ocean landings, depending on the wave heights. Even the big flying boats generally didn't land in open waters; some examples...
  19. Ron Wanttaja

    Walt Disney 1944 presentation on 100 Octane aviation fuel

    NOT about 100 LL (low lead), which wasn't introduced until 30 years later....just plain 'ol 100 octane fuel. Lest we forget Jimmy Doolittle's role in this... Ron Wanttaja
  20. Ron Wanttaja

    Factors Killing GA

    Sorry, but this a classic example of "Correlation does not equal Causation." You could use the same plot as an explanation on why "Saturday Night Live" is not as funny as it used to be. Regulations had some to do with the rise in costs, but a good bit of the new regulations were due to the...