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  1. L

    The 300 hour blahs

    I've got about 350 hours under my belt, prior to divorce and Covid I was on the track to going after my commercial, CFI and then working towards my ATP so I could maybe do some big boy flying while still in my 40s. But all that has stalled. My thirst for aviation knowledge has waned, my...
  2. L

    Signature Flight Support reportedly pushing Airline History Museum out of existence

    Pasted from the Airline History Museum's Facebook page: Airline History Museum at Kansas City Wheeler Downtown airport, needs your help. Signature Flight Support wants to close the museum. Why...You might ask? Well we don’t know. We are written into the master lease and are a tenant through...
  3. L

    Kinda surprised no one is talking about Siemen's new electric motor Are we all so jaded that we don't get excited over something that could revolutionize flying? (particularly GA flying)
  4. L

    Did just call ADS-B one of the 7 wonders of the world?