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  1. G

    Where in the world can I find a HIMS Psychiatrist?

    I've been told by the FAA that I need a HIMS Psych eval, but have only been able to find them in the DC area.. at a cost of $4500. My HIMS AME has said he "doesn't know of any" which I'm skeptical of being that he was complaining about them for 10 minutes at my last appointment. Surely there...
  2. G

    Previously medicated for anxiety, but no diagnosis. Will it be a problem?

    I’m looking to get a medical for PPl training. I had been medicated for anxiety (Prozac) a couple years ago, but I was never diagnosed with anything by a psychiatrist, just “treated” for anxiety. I was also a minor at the time, not sure if that helps in terms of how much of my medical record the...
  3. G

    Coming clean on medical. Tell FAA or just apply for a new one?

    Yes, yet another ADHD thread. I mistakenly omitted a previous “diagnosis” of ADHD when I initially got my 3rd class medical years ago. Recently when reviewing my records, I found the diagnosis and realized that I screwed up. I’m trying to get this corrected and have stopped flying. Would it be...
  4. G

    Can you send medical info to the FAA before they request it?

    As the title suggests, I have a medical application that has been deferred to the FAA (ADHD), but have not yet received the request for more information. I’ve already taken the neuropsychological exam and had good test scores. Is there anyway to send the report to the FAA before I get the...