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  1. S

    Moral check?

    Getting new siding on our house. Guy comes over gives estimate. Me and husband chatting with him. Estimator guy says "you related to (my husband father)" yes we say. I then said do we get a discount? Figured it be never hurts to ask. Get the official estimate and they took $500 off. I was like...
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    Facebook rant

    I know we've discussed the "joys" of Facebook I like it for the most part. Catching up with my sister and nephew happening several states away, knowing the horrors of my friends, joys of my friends, some local ish news (United flight from Mexico had to land in Toledo due to storms and low...
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    fine...the results

    Not sure how many people on here are interested but I failed the checkride today. Passed the oral portion "above averagely" which was what I was worried about the most. When it came to flying I just sucked. I put so much emphasis on passing the oral I FUBAR'd the flying part. DAMN! The...
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    To all the students out there.

    I figured I'd throw this out there. I just got my PPL last weekend (April 28th) it took alot of work and determinitation and patience (from me and my CFI) if you feel like giving up but want a kick in the butt to get done let me know. I have more hours then *most* had when they got their PPL but...
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    Solution to GA dying?

    Went out to eat for lunch today. Brought along a "Flying" magazine since I was eating by myself. I had the waitress ask me what I was reading; I showed her and she said "Oh that looks like fun tell me more" I'm not sure if she really was interested (and wanted a better tip) or she never...
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    PoA Weight loss support.

    So one of my posts was about needing podcast for a 5k I want to do in the spring. I've been going to the gym consistently for the last 2 weeks. I have a trainer that kicks my butt. I'm sitting here and never felt more alive. Feels so good to be getting into shape and I just wanted to share...
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    In lieu of Thanksgiving many will be having pie for desert. So I ask. Do you put Whipped cream (Cool Whip variation not the can stuff) on it? If yes, do you stir the whipped cream first? My husband says you DO NOT EVER stir it first. Thoughts?
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    Jealous friends.

    So my husband and I got this nice new Oak dining room table. Had some friends over for dinner. One of the friends says "This is a nice table" The other couple agreed and then started looking at and said "Yeah my uncle could make one like this and probably for not as much as you paid."...
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    Intro to Physics.

    Okay - In high school when I was given the option to take Physics or Biology 2 I went with Biology 2 (Who can resist getting to cut open frogs and stuff and okay there was a cute guy taking the class as well) So Physics isn't something I learned in school. Anyone recommend a good book - I'm...
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    Hot Air Balloon training

    My friends are thinking about learning how to fly a hot air balloon. Evidentally it's suppose to only take like 10 hours (since they already have a PPL) Was wondering if anyone else attempted "Hot Air Balloon" training. There has got to be someone who just wanted bragging rights and have that...
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    Finally - Checkride is scheduled!

    Hope to post good news on Saturday evening. After over 100 hours of flight training got the sign off to go with the DPE. :) Not 100% confident but I think it's more nerves then anything else. Sure is alot to know. Unfortunately the DPE was available on Saturday. My friends are having a 4th of...
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    Favorite Quotes

    Was at the gym (see "Weight Loss Support") and my trainer trying to encourage me said "Remember you are doing more then anyone on the couch" Thought maybe others could put their favorite quotes.
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    Facebook - the bad side.

    [vent]So Facebook. It's popular with most people under 60. (At least from my experience) but why do people feel a need to "Advertise" they are thousands of miles away from home. One of my friends lives in Cleveland and she just posted "Finally in the mountains!" and "Camping at theodore...
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    Extreme sports?

    Okay I'll try to make this simple question. What other hobbies/activities do you enjoy OUTSIDE the house? People at work (those people not willing to go flying with me think it's REALLY cool and interesting almost daredevilish) One girl said she's going to put together a list of things she'd...
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    Clue the board game

    Was browsing in the toy department today. Saw travel size version of clue. I turned to my friend and said "that'd be tricky to play on the go" he looked at me and said "dunno never played it" my jaw dropped! I'm a child of the 80s so I played it alot.
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    Checkride question as well.

    How come the Checkride isn't more life like? Practicing the stuff last night and I can do all the maneuvers and am fairly confident. My CFI was as well. Was good up until we went to land and I forgot to turn on the fuel pump (Piper Warrior) :yikes: It just doesn't seem natural. I've been...
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    Checkride - My story.

    Well finally got signed off for the checkride (this time for all the right reasons! - go search for my postings from last year if you choose) Anywho, got through the Oral portion on Saturday with "excellent job" the wx wasn't condusive for flying. So we scheduled for today (April 17th). Got...
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    Checkride - PASSED!

    For all those people who think I shouldn't be flying I regret to inform you that the FAA disagrees. :) Passed the last section of it this morning. I remembered the fuel pump and the examiner was quite pleased with all of the TO/landings. So I'm now a certified pilot! It only took 726 days to...
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    Bucket List

    Okay Henning you can ignore this post if you want. Back to flight training. Going to take it nice and slow. No hurrying through things. Making sure each maneuver is solid and good to go. Asked my CFI/friend if he'd show me Spins in the Cessna 172SP that we use. (One of my other friends is...
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    Beginning of flight training.

    So I'm done with my PPL (thank godness!) One of my friends is just starting out in the world of learning it all. She's hard core reading about everything to pass the written at some point. She says she's on a tight budget (husband wants to retire - who doesn't want to retire from the...