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  1. Winthrop

    Student pilot tries open cockpit door - 3 Mar 24

    I seem to recall some basic diagrams about air pressure at different altitudes.
  2. Winthrop

    Student pilot tries open cockpit door - 3 Mar 24

    I am guessing he never read any of the books otherwise he would have noted the pressure differential would make opening the door virtually impossible.
  3. Winthrop

    Boeing 737 - Medford OR - 15 Mar 24

    Why would you short their stock? I am sure the federal government will bail them out. They just need a little "breathing room" to compete with the big baddies at Airbus. Plus, Boeing's Defense, Space and Security divisions are the real money makers, not commercial aircraft sales. Boeing is in...
  4. Winthrop

    Third Starship test launch attempt

    Yeah, we were once prepared for this. And had this happened the names Armstrong and Aldrin would still have been ingrained in every Gen X school kid as much as Washington and Lincoln. Though NASA has always had very conservative estimates for what spacecraft would accomplish. Granted I doubt...
  5. Winthrop

    FAA Part 380 Under Attack

    So this has been going on for some time, but does seem to be getting more attention. As usual the 121 operators want to sue and regulate completion out rather than actually compete: Airlines Want to Stop ‘Travel Hack’ JSX From Luring Rich Flyers Away
  6. Winthrop

    Third Starship test launch attempt

    The difficult thing is that I am just not sure where we are on whether rocketry is an art or a science. We lambast the Boeing 737 Max for a failure rate which would have made it by far and away the most reliable bomber in WW2. Though if you think about it, the Space Shuttle had a 2.8% fatality...
  7. Winthrop

    Third Starship test launch attempt

    . . . and latest crash: So to me as a casual observer this seems bad, but some aver this is par for the course.
  8. Winthrop

    Added a Regional Forums category

    So I should not vent about how much I hate Atlantic Aviation? That is no fun.
  9. Winthrop

    Interview with a former Boeing manager about the Max problems

    Rupert Murdoch did not get rich hiring first rate copyeditors.
  10. Winthrop

    Third Starship test launch attempt

    Or party all night in anticipation of the launch going well? It is a very ambitious and interesting project. Of course, when I first read this I thought of a Beech Starship, because yeah that was cool when I was little.
  11. Winthrop

    Interview with a former Boeing manager about the Max problems

    The plot thickens: Video was deleted by Boeing
  12. Winthrop

    Barnacles and MH370

    I hope that was humorous as well, but in context I am not entirely sure it was a joke. I searched the internet for the comment a discussion thread from ten years ago came up: Old Thread Theory: "I'll throw something else out there. What if the plane never came back to ground but instead kept...
  13. Winthrop

    Interview with a former Boeing manager about the Max problems

    "They were concerned about the safety of their fucking stock price" does pretty much encapsulate it. The issue here is that if a COMAC jet crashed there would be a show trial and an execution, it might not be the responsible party, but heads would roll. In the US nothing will happen.
  14. Winthrop

    TSA agent's favorite things

    Granted this poll is now nearly a decade old, but apparently frequent fliers would seem to disagree: It is interesting how much post back there was when the FAA wanted to amend Part 380 Public...
  15. Winthrop

    Will the FAA require mid-wife training next ?

    So going back to regularly capture, no I do not think the AFA-CWA is going to support that and neither will the FAA as a result.
  16. Winthrop

    Interview with a former Boeing manager about the Max problems

    I think it is fair to say that Boeing and the FAA are a textbook example of regulatory capture. With no competing American company it is in the interest of the regime to support Boeing and in the interest of Boeing to support the regime.
  17. Winthrop

    Now stuck controls on the 737 Max 8

    They just can't get a break:
  18. Winthrop

    TSA agent's favorite things

    The curious question is what part of the US population is supporting this?
  19. Winthrop

    Bombardier Challenger 600 - Naples FL - 9 Feb 24

    What classifications of control arrangements were you thinking?
  20. Winthrop


    Anyone every flown into 46U or own a hanger there?