Search results

  1. N

    Who says PA28s can't climb?

    I’m in Southeast Wisconsin and only about 5% of the pilots I know would cross Lake Michigan in a single engine piston. I have not crossed it myself; maybe someday. I am hoping to fly my Navion to Mackinac Island and that may involve some open water flying (cutting the corners on the north end of...
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    Removing EXIF data from pictures…

    For those of us who aren’t techies or engineers (looking at you, Rush!) can you explain what this means and why you would want to do it?
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    Aero L 29 Delfin - Reno NV Air Races - 17 Sep 22

    Here’s Richard McSpadden’s always excellent analysis of accidents on behalf of the AOPA Air Safety Institute.
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    ADS-B art, an alternative to the $100 hamburger.

    I thought we only drew dick pics in the sky. Maybe that’s just the Navy guys. Lol
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    Starting a flying club

    I think one of the first things you should do is contact an insurance broker and discuss this. I think there’s a threshold for a certain number of pilots where the insurance goes through the roof.
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    One Hit Wonders

    How about something to liven up this miserable winter. Post your favorite one hit wonders, with a link to a video if available. Here's one: The Kings - Video Tube for YouTube - iPhone/iPad Sent from my iPad
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    J. Mac McClellan @ EAA

    When Mac moved from Flying magazine to the EAA, I thought "oh, brother.". It seemed like a real mismatch. Would he really be in touch with what EAA is all about? When I read his first article in EAA's Sport Aviation, I was unimpressed. Would he incessantly complain about ATC routings on the...
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    Anything for iPads at AirVenture this year?

    I just got my iPad today, and will be heading to AirVenture again tomorrow. I rent, so am considering a kneeboard for the iPad. Has anyone seen or used the Sky High Gear Genesis iPad kneeboard? It looks pretty straight forward, and a good deal at $35. I like the idea of using it as an...
  9. N

    Brain buckets for GA flying

    May 2011 Sport Aviation had an article about the CHP's use of GA aircraft. In that article, it showed CHP officers flying a Cessna 206 and wearing flight helmets. This made me wonder why the need for helmets on the officers, and why not for the rest of us. I assume the CHP does a lot of low...