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  1. M

    Flying with Fireworks?

    I am currently on vacation with my family, and I flew myself up here. My brother bought some fireworks and has asked me if I will fly them home for him. I don't know that I feel comfortable doing this in case they go off, although I don't know the likelihood of that happening. Is it even legal...
  2. M

    A good overnight destination on the West Coast?

    Hi all, I am currently trying to find a cool place to fly to within 400NM of me (I fly out of KSNA). I've been nearly everywhere in Southern Cali so I am trying to branch out. I am looking to fly somewhere to spend the night - preferably somewhere scenic and reasonably priced. Any suggestions...
  3. M

    0/0 Takeoff

    I'm currently training for my PPL, and yesterday I did my first 0/0 takeoff. I flew entirely under foggles up until 500 feet before landing. In the air I find it is not hard for me to trust the instruments, but the takeoff was a bit trickier. I followed my heading well, he said I stayed on the...