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  1. V

    COVID Picnics - Western Area Suggestions?

    Hey POA friends and I have taken to flying our 3 planes to various airports with our spouses to have picnics where we maintain our distance and wear masks. For example, we’ve done KSBA Santa Barbara (the week before the beach closed) and last week KIZA Santa Ynez (which was...
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    So Cal to Seattle - Ideas for Longest Cross Country Yet?

    Weather willing (no IFR yet), I'm flying from So. Cal (KWHP) to Arlington Washington (KAWO) in August. This will be my longest cross country ever. I do love longer trips, as I'm not occupied full time tuning coms and talking to ATC like I am in So Cal. Any advise on routes, stopover points...
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    Should I report myself (ASRS)

    I never know when to ASRS or not and have not ever done so. Just today, I wonder if I should report myself. I was flying west at 4,500 feet on flight following (So Cal). I then told ATC I was turning East, which would put me at an odd altitude of course on VFR. I started to descend when...
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    PIC After a LONG Break - Hire Me!

    It was just 8 months ago that I posted on Facebook...asking my friends, "Should return to aviation after a 41 year break?" Their answer, "Yes!" Now, I'm in trouble. Given a choice, I'd be up every day. In 1972, I got my PPL at 60 hours and then stopped. Now, in 8 months, I'm at 170 hours and...
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    Important Lesson: Don't Use Angle of Attack to Pick Landing Spot

    :D I'm sure this is old hat and seems stupid to many, but I wanted to share am important lesson I learned today from my instructor and a Sporty's video. I'm about 15 hours into my return to aviation after a break of decades and total hours only around 100. Intuition would tell you that if...
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    How FAA Medical Policies INCREASE Risk

    Three years ago, I experienced some headaches and as a precautionary measure, I had a brain scan, which turned out 100% normal. The headaches went away shortly after the scan. Well, for the FAA, this was a MAJOR event. Since then, I have had to prove that it was nothing...written lab...
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    Hire Me! Careers for "Older" Pilots

    OK, so I'm 60. But I'm nowhere near TBO...a darn good pilot who flies frequently and is approaching 600 hours, mostly complex. I'll put my piloting and mental skills up there with other good pilots. For those of us "over the hill but don't count us out" types who can afford to take a low...
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    First Cross Country in 40 Years

    :D1973 to 2013...that's how long it took me to get back into flying due to career and family. Today's it's off to Catalina Island, not exactly the easiest place to land. I'm as excited (or maybe more so) as I was back then! Wish me luck...the whole flying experience is just a bit more complex...
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    Busting Obama's Airspace Today

    Speaking of busting airspace and ASRS reporting, did you hear this one? Some pilot slightly infringed on the TFR in LA today for Obama. The jets were scrambled! Bet this guy or gal has some 'splainin' to do! Yes, we must be careful around Presidential TFR's. Unless you want an F16 beside...
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    Another Day, Another Cirrus Parachute Save

    It happened again...another failed Cirrus engine, parachute pull, and pilot plus passenger walked away:!X6fMW Did the parachute save their lives? Who knows. One thing's for sure for me: if I ever lose an engine, I hope...
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    45 lbs over gross...would you go?

    So at the last minute, a "heavy" friend asked to go on my flight tomorrow am. Trouble is, I fueled tonight, not knowing he would be there, and now I'm 45 lbs over gross. Part of me knows I'll be fact I'll be well within max weight on landing. Plus it will be a cool takeoff at 1,000...
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    182 v 172

    Rethinking my leaning to Cirrus, I'm looking once again at Cessna's. So much easier to fly, better safety record, more resistant to loss of control in the pattern... Question for all you Cessna experts out there... Is the cockpit roomier in a 182 than a 172? People weigh more today than they...
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    172 Guy Goes Cirrus...and now back to 172?

    Since resuming flying, I've been trying to figure out where to "land", planewise that is. I started with Cessna 172, then moved "up" to Cirrus SR20 and SR22. Tonight, I jumped back in the Cessna, and remembered how easy it is to fly and how wonderful it handles in the air. Now I'm more...