Search results

  1. B

    Visit from CBP at my hangar

    :confused:In the last ten years, I have flown to the Bahamas over 80 times, no surprise CBP wanted to look at me. I usually fly VFR, so my take off time can be various over two hours from flight plan schedule. I took a boat over to the Bahamas and wanted my flight instructor to come get me in...
  2. B

    New 406 ELT expierence,,long

    I was required to install a new 406 ELT in my aircraft because it is the law for international flights. My old ELT one was giving me trouble with false activation anyway. I purchased the new 406 ELT installed it, and purchased a new 406 PLB (portable hand held), and attached it to my raft. All...
  3. B

    I almost had a parachute in my prop, near miss

    In Deland, a big skydive business is on my Airport. I commend the owners for building a big business, but they are a big pain in the ***. I was trying to hook up the proper vac lines for an air speed indicator, and did not hook them up right. I had departed for a quick check, and saw the...
  4. B

    AOPA vs CBP

    Looks like AOPA has heard enough complaints from GA pilots to realize these stops and searches are becoming commonplace, and the complaints are real and searches were baseless. The AOPA President has asked the FAA Commissioner to stop them ASAP. We will see...