Well gentlemen considering the issues regarding cost and accessibility of GA I have always been extremely curious as to just how much money you guys are bringing in per year. Of course, considering the sensitivity of this question this is completely anonymous and your input or identity is not...
Guys I have to say that I am truly disappointed about the lack of pay professional pilots are receiving. Throughout my time on this message board I have seen figures ranging from $45,000 dollars a year to as little as $18,000 which I find truly pathetic. I've heard the terms "glorified bus...
Okay guys you're a wealthy philanthropist and have no inclination towards being a pilot. However you need a good pilot to fly your very expensive jet. Who would you choose from the list below to be your personal pilot.
Okay guys here is part two of my hypothetical POA plane sweepstakes. Which one do you choose for your own? Note, all have been totally restored and are in top condition or brand new.
Hey guys I have been gone for a long time so I am definitely out of the loop. For you guys that remember me I am still not a pilot but continue to love aviation in general. I hope all is well with you guys. However I was wondering where is Henning?
Hey guys this aircraft is very interesting. Have any of you flown in this plane or possibly own one? How do they compare to other twin engined aircraft?
Okay gents what's the overall differences between the two? I know quite a bit about auto engines but very little about aviation engines. Could high HP auto engines work in aviation applications? I assume back in the earlier days of aviation auto engines were used in aircraft applications due...
Okay guys first off let me say I'm not currently in training however I do have a huge interest and respect for general aviation. I give you guys major props for getting up there and major respect.
With that said I want some advice for someone who is taking an interest in attaining a private...