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  1. M

    How much to lean the mixture?

    I was wondering imagine if I was to takeoff from Boulder, CO in a C172. The airport elevation is 5,300 MSL. How much would you lean the mixture for takeoff? I train in the very flat midwest and the highest airport elevation around here is 1000ft MSL so I never have to lean the mixture on takeoff.
  2. M

    Flying a pattern with no trimming

    Is this possible to do in a 172?
  3. M

    Fly with master switch off to save money?

    My FBO charges for the airplane by the hobbs meter. If I turn off the master switch during flight do you think that would be an effective way to save money? Of course I would have a transceiver to do my radio calls. EDIT: I'm not actually going to do this (it's a dumb idea). Just entertaining...
  4. M

    After finals, how much do you guys tip the professor?

    Do you base it on difficulty of the class or a percentage of the actual class cost? Typically I do 10%, but I would like to know what's the acceptable standard. thx