Search results

  1. T

    Did you catch it ?

    SO,,,, we did the 14 day quarantine,, How do we know we didn't re-infect today?
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    Comments on this ?
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    Aircraft noise.

    When a non jet aircraft flys over, are you hearing the prop or the engine?
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    will your VOR become obsolete
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    what would you change ?

    rebuild on the 48 instrument panel.
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    new internet rules (maybe)

    How is this going to effect this web page ?
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    We got one as a promotion, so now what ? which Apps should I add/download/
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    determining the cost to rent.

    how would one go about setting the cost to rent your aircraft. Say I wanted to allow pilots with a PPL and conventional gear sign offs to rent my 24, how would you go about setting that cost?
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    another airport going away ? ?
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    acceptable or not?

    to start a thread on flying the 170? videos etc?
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    Would you fly the pass this morning?

    Here is what it looks like
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    What is this stuff ??

    today I removed the old covers from the 170's wings and found this stuff in each wing. It is water soluble, washes out easy with a little soap, and water, leaves no corrosion behind, it was on both sides of the front and rear spars. and inside the leading edge "D" box.
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    Tomahawk for sale. $9k

    Thought I'd pass this on
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    The FAA Authorization Bill

    How is this going to effect the vintage aircraft owner
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    The Economy

    I know this is a touchy subject, but.... What indicators do you use to tell what it is doing.. stock market? Gold prices? What? do you believe will happen as the gas prices rise as predicted? Who's fault isn't the subject. I have an opportunity to buy a small company at about .05 cents on...
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    What is it? What does that magic number really mean?
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    Stall warning

    Have you flown any aircraft that does not have one?
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    Recovery of the KEE bird.

    Has every one seen all the videos ?
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    Private airports

    What control does the FAA have on the owner taking care of the field/runway. If it becomes a hazard can the FAA require the owner to improve it ?
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    Pilot certificate pictures ?

    What happened to this? On Nov. 18, 2010, the FAA issued a proposed rule that would require all pilot certificates to include a photo of the certificate holder.