Search results

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    Researching AD's

    What is the quick, simple, and zero cost way to research what AD's are applicable to an individual aircraft? Besides Year, Make, Type, and Serial number, what other info should I have handle to get a good search?
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    PowerPoint on MacBook: How do *not* trip the virus warning?

    I want to launch a video from within a PowerPoint stack. I have it saved on my MacBook hard drive as an MP4. But when I click the control button I set up to "hyperlink" to an external item and launch the video, I get this warning. upload_2020-8-27_22-4-35.png Anyone in the PoA hive mind...
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    Library of Congress has sectionals from "way back in the day"

    Really cool to see what things looked like "back then". Link is for Texas, buy they have just about the entire nation....
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    If I ever visit Chicago…

    I’m gonna get a dog, cake, and a shake from this place…
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    Eating an information elephant, one bite at a time....

    I'm slowly working through them through sheer drill and kill flash cards.... But ugggh.... all this effort for less than a 2 hour conversation about the details. Zero argument about why I need to know this... I just hope on examination day, I can access the correct hard drive sector and...
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    Concussion imminent from /headdesking

    I pick up the phone to help the sales team during a busy period... "Thanks for calling, how can I help you?" "I need to come get a part I called about, how to I get to where you are?" "Okay, do you have a smart phone such as Android or iPhone?" "I think so, it's a Samsung." "Good, that has...
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    Cloth face masks under the electron microscope
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    COVID19: Social Distancing might last to 2022

    Unknown if it has to be as drastic as we are doing know, but following the cautionary basics might make sense.
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    Blackbird = Common Carriage

    We have discussed in past threads. The FAA's chief counsel office has provided it's opinion that "...the pilots participating in BlackBird's platform and using its app are holding out and thus are engaged in common carriage. This conclusion does not apply to...
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    1980 Movie Airplane! Isn't the original you thought it was

    Many of us, including me, thought it was a satire making fun of the disaster movies in the 70's. It actually is a near scene for scene parody of Arthur Haley's movie "Zero Hour" Here is something that compares the two.
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    TV: Incredible Flying Cars (Smithsonian Channel)

    On now. Repeats at 03Z Looks interesting so far.
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    I've been viewing different aircraft on the sales sites and some have the storm scopes attached to the panels. I've been reading up on the net on how the work, but not much is out there explaining how the pilot makes use of the information. Can someone enlighten me?
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    SpaceX Grasshopper Rocket Launch Video

    Take off AND landing of SpaceX's Grasshopper rocket. Really cool video
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    Reuters Article: Test Tube Hamburger

    Read this article and I betcha a side of fries you think of a certain movie staring Charleton Heston & Edgar G. Robinson... Reuters: First Test Tube Burger Declared 'Close to Meat'
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    Musical Accompaniment to Fly Airplanes

    I need/want a new playlist for when I fly and have "new to general aviation" folks with me. And said playlist needs to have an aviation and flying theme. Something with aviation or flight in the lyrics, title, or artist name, or associated with flying (like Ride of the Valkyries and Danger...
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    Flying Wild Alaska, July 6

    Ariel gets a brand new G1000 equipped C172 to finish up her training. Gotta love Ariel. Who knew the skyhawks now are infrared equipped. And after watching the first few moments of the filmed lesson, I'm wondering if the new instructor will survive the flight.
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    FAA Changes rules about using consumer electronics in flight

    New York Times - F.A.A. Allows Use of Electronic Devices Throughout Flights By MATTHEW L. WALD Published: October 31, 2013 WASHINGTON — Airline passengers can use electronic devices in “all phases of flight” if the airline determines that its aircraft can tolerate the interference, the Federal...
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    Experimentals and ATC

    On my flight to the Texas Panhandle and back yesterday, I was on FF for the entire trip. Good weather had lots of people up flying and the frequencies were pretty active. And a few of the folks flying were in experimental aircraft. That got me wondering how the controllers keep up with what...
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    Does TANSTAAFL apply to this??

    Check this one out..... "Free IFR Flight Instruction" I'm curious as to what the gallery and our resident FAR encyclopedics have to say...
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    Determining Cloud Tops

    Today's weather (rain, 600-1000 ft ceilings, light to moderate wind) got me wishing I was training for my IFR since it would have been a good day for it. It also got me wondering how how you figure out where the top of the clouds would be. I'm thinking the Skew-T applies here, correct? If so...