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  1. D

    Pattern Madness

    So I'm flying with a new student -- hour 6 -- and we're doing the normal pattern entry. on a 45, closer to the upwind end of the runway, but fairly close, etc. Winds are light but favoring 28, all traffic that has landed in past 45 minutes has landed on 28. He announced 3 miles from the field...
  2. D

    Checklist and Flow

    I've become a convert to flow over paper checklists in simpler airplanes (Chief, C150/152, VFR 172/PA-28, and the like) that I fly often. I find I remember more, miss less, and know exactly where I was interrupted. Any other converts?
  3. D

    Atlantic Spew

    I go through biennial cycle -- subscribe to The Atlantic Monthly, read it, then come across this sort of spew: And then I cancel.