Search results

  1. N

    Cessna 210?

    I am going to sell my Conquest I soon, since 90% of my flying is to the beach and back and it's usually just me and my wife. I was considering a newer, if that's the right term for a 40 year old airplane, 210 either turbo or non-turbo. It seems most on the market are Turbo, which is fine for my...
  2. N

    SFO alternatives??

    We're going to San Francisco in July, I'd love to take some extra time and fly out with the family. Any good alternatives to SFO that are GA friendly? I'll probably end up on Delta, but just in case, I'd like to figure out what's close to the city. ;)
  3. N

    Malaysian Airliner missing?
  4. N

    Baron down at Lagrange Ga, 3 killed Not a lot of details, but report says 3 dead, two were doctors. :redface: It was a beautiful day today for flying, they mention avoiding a glider, but who knows?