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  1. T

    Why no soft field instructions in POH?

    Hello again everyone... My instructor and I were going over soft and short field landings today (talking and looking at the POH, the clouds were too low for VFR flight <sad face>) and there were instructions for short field landings/TOs in the POH, but not soft field. Anyone know why?
  2. T

    Checklist? (And forgive me if this has been covered)

    I'm sure this has been asked before (although I just did a search and didn't come up with a thread). My question is: Do you always use a checklist-- not for pre-flight and run-up, but for cruise & pre-descent (and not just GUMPS, but pullilng out the actual checklist and going over it). ...
  3. T

    CAT-- is this an issue in the GA community?

    (Clear air turbulence). It's something that worries me for when I do my first xc on my own. Or is this something that's generally seen more at the Flight levels?