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  1. I

    Video of 14 yr old kid first solo ...

    (Sorry if this is a duplicate post) ... in a Schweizer 2-33. I really enjoyed watching this. She humms a melody while flying :D and does a forward-slip on final - on her first solo, on her 14th birthday :D (the same youtube video page has a link to a video of her learning spins with an...
  2. I

    Tough little plane

    So looking at the rental schedule for the 172 (type N) i realized that from 9:00 until 20:00 the flight school's plane is booked in 2-hour contiguous blocks - no space in between. So here i am, at the end of the day last in line to fly it and am thinking if this little cessna can put up with...
  3. I

    Summary of Cost and Time for my PP training

    I got a chance to look over the invoices for my PP flight training and also cross-reference them to the hours logged in my log book. I understand/am told that the cost and time vary for student. Below is a snashop of what it was for me. What the most recent "bell curve" and standard deviation...
  4. I

    Cause/Reasons for 'go-around' and aborted takeoff

    Just curious: what are some of the causes - and reasons - for which you've had to do 'go-around' and abort takeoff? Mine (the ones I remember, including primary training) would be something like: Go-around - Practice. - Wind gusts - Approach too high / too fast - Insuficient separation from...