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  1. J

    Narrowest runway you've ever landed on

    So I took a flight from KISP to Sky Acres(44n) airport in Poughkeepsie NY last week on a perfect day for flying to check out the airport and possibly get something to eat( never did). Sky Acres is a beautiful little airport but the runway is only 60 feet wide. The runway really felt narrow to...
  2. J

    Flew the 152 solo today

    So I have about 150 hours now and all but 10 or so in a 172. I'd been checked out in a 152 but always thought they were small and not really my thing. Well today I went up in one solo after a short re-currency in the 152 flight and I honestly loved the plane! Flying the little thing without...
  3. J

    Checkride passed- I'm a private Pilot!!!

    Hi- I'm so pumped right now. I just passed my Private pilot checkride! I've heard it's good luck to share your checkride story and luck as a pilot can not hurt so here's my story. My oral was yesterday at 400. The bad weather in the Northeast yesterday ment that I knew I would not be flying. I...