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  1. D

    Do you like the bigger or mini ipads better?

    I've decided I'd like to purchase an ipad and either get Foreflight or Garmin Pilot, but I'm torn between getting an ipad air, or an ipad mini 2. I think I'd rather have the normal sized ipad, as I think it'd easier to see everything on the screen, but a mini will cost $100 less, not to mention...
  2. D

    Do regs require that an up-to-date VFR sectional and AFD be on board?

    I'm aware that in the FAR/AIM, it says that pilot must become familiar with all information concerning the flight, but does it say that you must have a sectional and an airport facility directory (for a VFR flight) on board at all times, even if you stay in the pattern?:dunno: Still haven't...