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  1. J

    Covid-19 shelter-in-place rules and GA

    The shelter-in-place order for California disallows all "non-essential travel" and asks folks to stay inside their homes except when necessary to go outside. We are permitted to go outside for "outdoor activities" such as walking around the neighborhood and such, so long as we observe the 6...
  2. J

    Safely flying near shorter mountains

    Just got my pilot's license a few weeks ago, and have been enjoying flying around with it. One thing I want to do soon is get training for how to deal with flying near and around and into mountainous regions. I understand there's some specific and special techniques related to it, and my...
  3. J

    Near miss on final video

    Anyone seen this yet?
  4. J

    Embarking on my longest flight yet...

    As some of you may know, I got my license last year, and have been taking it *very* easy on my flights. Sticking close to areas I know, staying well within my limits, only doing 1-2 hour flights each way. This summer, I'm going to go on my longest flight yet. 560 nm from KPAO to S03 and back...