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    68 yr old gentleman killed at KLAL today

    Local FL news reports he was on his student solo flight when he slammed into the ground short of the runway. Plane burst into flames immediately with no chance to rescue him. Knowing what the media does to facts I hope at least he wasn't a student. Realizing what was probably a dream he had...
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    New Video on Angle of Attack Awareness Now on YouTube

    Biweekly FAA Safety Briefing News Update Angle of Attack (AoA) devices can provide valuable information during maneuvering flight and have been identified as a mitigation strategy to prevent loss of control accidents. Watch this video for an analysis of AoA devices in the general aviation...
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    Just feel like venting

    I quit instructing in the early 90's. My choice. I relocated 1,000 miles and went back into another business I did earlier in my life. Never kept up with aviation from then until this year. To say I was amazed at the changes doesn't quite cover it. Can't believe the PPL requirements...
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    FAA Overhaul Bill to be Released July 1 Establish a stable, self-sustaining, fair user fee structure, insulated from the federal budget process and threats of related sequesters, furloughs, agency closures, and shutdowns. (emphasis ours)...