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  1. N

    Still in shock -- lost a wonderful lady yesterday

    Debra Birch was doing her 3rd solo (T&Gs) at KJSO when she attempted a go-around and pulled up too steeply -- stall/spin into a hangar. She did not survive. Life is such a *****. :(:mad::no:
  2. N

    SkyGeek makes unhappy customer happy

    I recently bought a headset from SkyGeek and had trouble with their web site, so I placed the order via cust. svc. Since I was in no hurry, I requested the lowest-cost shipping, USPS. The girl made some snippy remark about being cheap (guilty) and -- unbeknownst to me -- changed the shipping to...
  3. N

    STOL suggestion

    I have a friend who has a farm with a short (~900' , tall trees one end) grass strip. He used to fly ultralights, but now is thinking about a real plane. I suggested a Super Cub, but he is a little scared of taildraggers (but I suspect he might change his mind). Suggestions?
  4. N

    HR 3708

    Have you contacted your US Rep. yet to urge him/her to support HR 3708 (General Aviation Pilot Protection Act)? If not, shame on you. :mad: Please, let's keep this ball rolling. :yes: