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  1. U

    The Rut

    I flew today. Didn’t really care if I went or not. Thought it was boring. It’s become about on par with driving a car to work. Flying has become just a modality to me. Problem is, if I don’t have an established purpose to fly, I really don’t want to go up and just burn gas. Been there, done...
  2. U

    Piper PA28 and PA32 owners take note If you want your voice heard on the wingspar AD, the link is at the bottom of the EAA article. My take on is that ERAU beats the shhhtt out of their planes. And it has little to do with the actual integrity of...
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    Little Rant

    Rant On I'm inbound and descending 15 miles out and announce. I hear traffic at the uncontrolled airport but no clue what runway they are using. At 10 miles I call out to traffic and ask what runway he's using. No reply. 5 miles out I hear him call upwind 26... Great. I know what entry to...