0/0 Takeoff


New member
I'm currently training for my PPL, and yesterday I did my first 0/0 takeoff. I flew entirely under foggles up until 500 feet before landing. In the air I find it is not hard for me to trust the instruments, but the takeoff was a bit trickier. I followed my heading well, he said I stayed on the center line, but it was really difficult for me to trust that I was. It almost didn't feel right. I imagine with more practice it will get better for me, though for the rest of my PPL training I doubt I will do another takeoff like that. I plan on training for my instrument rating right afterwards though.

What are your thoughts on 0/0 takeoffs? Has anyone done them under actual conditions? I think if the conditions were so that I could not even see the center line, and I was instrument rated, there's still no way I would opt to do it.
kimberlyanne546 said:
I never did anything close to this. Is this normal? It seems dangerous.
I can't speak to whether it is normal, but I never did anything like it either during private pilot training.