12 yr. Old flights - ideas


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12 yr. old boy lessons - ideas

I had a grandpa call me today to say that his 12yr old grandson thinks he'd like to fly and could I take him up for a couple lessons during his summer visit. And he said if he likes it and wants to do more then maybe he would arrange to do that. According to grandpa he is a bright kid and is bored in school, I think he hopes that flying is something that engages the boys interest

Seems to me the first flight will be a normal pony ride flight... But, obviously depending on his demeanor etc it's possible that I will be covering more with him. So, any ideas of what to do with a 12yo kid?
My advice, worth every penny you paid for it, is to treat him as you would any student.

My CFI had a young student about that age (actually closer to 13 or 14 I think) and that is what he decided to do. The student's mother was paying the kid's bills and driving him to the airport for every lesson. It worked out and he eventually got his certificate (he had to wait till he was old enough of course; the lessons went over the course of a few years!)

Oh - he did blow his first check ride; bad ADM. There were low ceilings and he made the mistake of going ahead with the check ride and eventually the DPE took the controls because he felt it unsafe to continue.