45 lbs over gross...would you go?


New member
So at the last minute, a "heavy" friend asked to go on my flight tomorrow am. Trouble is, I fueled tonight, not knowing he would be there, and now I'm 45 lbs over gross.

Part of me knows I'll be fine...in fact I'll be well within max weight on landing. Plus it will be a cool takeoff at 1,000 feed DA on a 4,100 ft runway. Still the Standard Operations Procedure pilot in me says "no". After all an SOP is an SOP.

My solution: I'm getting up at 4:45am to have a fun dawn flight to burn off some fuel.

I wonder if I'm being to literal here, and am curious how many of us faced with this situation would just go.
Is this in the SR22?
If so, what else you hauling that would cause a 200 lb passenger to put you over gross?
VWGhiaBob said:
Post Mortem from the OP...
I never knew there was Internet connectivity after death. ;)
("Post mortem" translates to "After death," so your sentence translates to "After death from the OP.")

Got up at 4am.
I'd be too dead tired to get up at that hour.

Glad to see you and your passengers enjoyed the flying.