$800 for a flight review


New member
I'm trying to schedule a flight review in the SJC area

I called a flight school and they want 2 ground + 2 flight review

Their rates are $110 for the CFI and $185 for a C172 G1000.

I think it is expensive, does somebody know of a better option in the bay area?

Just completed a flight review with my original CFI (Jess Everson at Advanced Pilot Training near Eugene Oregon) that took 1.3 on the Hobbs (@ $125/hr plane, $50/hour CFI) and 1.2 hours ground (@ $50/hour CFI). He did ask if I had done Wings phases, which he recommended when I was scheduling things with him, but I had not paid attention to Wings stuff in a couple years. If I had invested the time on the Wings program (several hours, I'm estimating) I suppose I'd have saved ~$60 not having to do ground. Otherwise it was $287.50 for my flight review with someone who I now consider a friend that I only see once in a great while.