$9,500 Cessna 150


New member
If you had only $9500 and we're looking to build time would you buy this airplane? I posted a link on a FB page to this ad I found on Craigslist and it's funny the responses it's gotten. From its ugly, to its timed out (which we know) to is used up and gonna cost $10k or more for overhaul. But say you bought it and squeezed 200 more hours and then sold it is think you be money ahead? I know when I was renting I would've thought this was a reachable (as in I could afford it) aircraft . Your thoughts? http://redding.craigslist.org/for/4759853438.html
Mason said:
Isn't TBO on that engine 2400 hr? If it looks good at the pre-buy it might still have lots of flying left in it.

Not sure I've ever seen one that wasn't a trainer though.
You're probably think of the Lycoming O-235 that is used on the C-152. I believe all C-150 airplanes originally shipped with the Continental O-200. I believe the recommended TBO for an O-200 is 1800 hours.