A good overnight destination on the West Coast?


New member
Hi all,

I am currently trying to find a cool place to fly to within 400NM of me (I fly out of KSNA). I've been nearly everywhere in Southern Cali so I am trying to branch out. I am looking to fly somewhere to spend the night - preferably somewhere scenic and reasonably priced. Any suggestions from my fellow POA members? Where have you been that you would recommend my going? Thank you in advance!
Palmpilot said:
It's just that some of us have noticed that we already had three abbreviations for California (Cal., Calif., and CA), and wondered why we need yet another. ;)
The "Cali" abbreviation was allegedly popularized by the hip-hop crowd. It is what it is. I'm not sure why this particular language redundancy is worthy of note or vexation at all, because it pales when compared to a whole host, set, collection, horde, or passel of words that are synonymous with "group":