A "real" Part 61 syllabus


New member
Does anyone have a syllabus that is based on something other than the 40 hour minimum?

I'm having problems with knowing when to deviate from the 40 hour syllabus which requires an unrealistic performance progression for most part 61 folks flying a couple times a week in my opinion. Plus, I would like something more realistic to give to my students from the outset.

Anyone have something around 50-55 hours?

Thanks, all
dmspilot said:
I have never heard of "a 40 hour syllabus" or "a 55 hour syllabus". Maybe you should make your own? :confused:
Eh? Have you bothered to look at what Gleim, among others, publishes? It has X number of hours for each learning task, with the grand total coming out to near 40 hours.
gprellwitz said:
or you can use the 40 hours and say that it will cost at least this much.
I just now checked Gleim's explanation for its breakout of the 41 (or 36) hours in its syllabus, and it describes them as guidance to insure all minimum requirements have been met; so effectively "at least this much." Specifically, from Gleim:

"The times listed are for instructor/student guidance only and are not meant to be mandatory times. These times will ensure that the minimum time requirements for aeronautical and flight training are in compliance either with Part 141, Appendix B Private Pilot Certification Course, or with FAR Part 61."