Like most pilots, I'm always looking for an excuse to fly. Kristine (my partner/co-pilot in flying and life) and I found this new way to burn some av gas: ADS-B art. I know of a guy in Canada that flies a Cirrus that makes some REALLY impressive drawings, and although mine don't quite reach his level, we've had some great success. I just draw it out on foreflight before hand, then go up and fly the drawing. Some things I've learned is that it helps to get at least 3000 AGL in my area to ensure radar coverage. So far, my drawings have won me a contest from Sporty's (I won a Sentry ADS-B receiver), and they got Kristine on the local news. Here are some examples of my artwork:
News story:
News story:

Pilot creates Oxford Strong ribbon with flight path to honor community after high school shooting
Many have expressed their support for the Oxford community since four students were killed and seven people were injured in a mass shooting at Oxford High School on Nov. 30.