Advice - don't add it up


New member
This afternoon I sat down and started redoing a baseline personal budget. I know our spending has been a bit out of control this year, but I've been putting off reigning it in. As part of that activity, I consolidated all my spending for the past year, across all accounts.

That "forced" me to add up how much I spent flying last year, which is just under 7.5 AMUs and around $156/hr.

There were some good times in that - Southern Soul at SSI with a buddy, running back and forth to JQF to visit my son at college, an initial checkout in a SR-20...beautiful airplane.

But overall, ouch.
I also subscribe to the theory and practice that the best way to enjoy this expensive hobby is to have a plane that will fit your budget generally and not think about the specific expense items and don’t add it up.

But I guess if the budget requires it, this could provide the impetus to sell the plane and join a club or do rentals.