

New member
ok... here's an idea.

Take you're local politician on a free flight!

Take the mayors, city councilmen/women, reps, senators on a flight.

With the apparent disregard for general aviation, wouldn't it be good to have more advocates in the centers of our communities? Get it on the air! Get the "small a/c pilot takes mayor 'x' up for a flight around city 'y'" kind of story.

Advocates, that's what we need! Anyone know one to sign up?

Any programs like this around already?
RJM62 said:
Bribes usually work better.

I suspect in some jurisdictions a free flight might be considered a bribe. Likely depends on the value of the gift, the political office held by the person, and probably the phase of the moon.

Same problem - to a smaller extent - might come up when offering free rides to journalists. A matter of journalistic integrity and all that stuff.

(How many politicians and journalists worry about their integrity?)

That said, can't hurt to make the offer.