AIM 4-1-20 A(3)


New member
Anyone notice this change yet?

it was

Civil and military transponders should be
adjusted to the “on” or normal operating position as
late as practicable prior to takeoff and to “off” or
“standby” as soon as practicable after completing
landing roll,
unless the change to “standby” has been
accomplished previously at the request of ATC....
it now reads

Civil and military transponders should be
adjusted to the “on" or normal operating position as
soon as practical and remain on during all
operations unless requested to change

to “standby" from ATC....
This is a nice change for me since it takes my encoder a minute to warm up and my GPS likes to flash ALTITUDE FAIL at me until it starts encoding
I don't recall when I first saw that new recommendation, but I'm pretty sure it happened around the time the FAA went into their anti-runway-incursion program.