Air Marshals and flight attendants


New member
Both require a second class medical correct? Because they are “required crew members”

is the exam the same for everyone?
I have not looked into this issue of Lumonisity extensively, but did so a bit.

They make a lot of claims and don’t cite to the primary psychological literature, which is always a warning sign.

OTOH, there is a fairly well described set of improvements which occur in specific subdomains, like working memory, with some training tasks.

I thus suspect some of Luminosity’s games will help improve scores on some sub-tasks in the Cogscreen aero, though am not aware of any specific studies of their games in this regard. The anecdotal evidence on PoA supports this.
Benw said:
My thinking though, why spend 4K on the Cogscreen and do everything for the medical just to fly on the weekends. Gliders will give me the same “high” (no pun intended)
As I often note, I think gliders are a great way to learn how a set of wings and controls behave in the air, whether one goes on to powered flight or not. And soaring is a great sport.

You do have to essentially self certify for safety, but that involves you and your doctor and advisors making the judgement, rather than spending a lot of money trying to convince the FAA.
Palmpilot said:
In this context, is "working memory" another term for short-term memory?
Short answer in this context - basically yes.

There are some differences when one does experiments on this by what is meant by those terms, and the distinction is somewhat muddled in the professional literature. Here is a chapter discussing this if people are interested -