Air Wagner..... He’s baaaaackk.

That Dec 13 video with the cancellation and steep banked curves in that marginal hole really made me shudder.

Agreed both a violation of regs from the timing and conditions and taking a large risk. And with a passenger in the plane.
denverpilot said:
He’s settled into his roll of providing solid examples of questionable decision making and got stuck there by the internet fame that started all the way back when he flew under a bridge a long time ago.
Which video was that? Would like to see it.
So is there a repository or collection of the bad ones that have been captured?

As Nate points put, he has sort of hit a niche of illustrating really poor ADM at a level that has not killed him - yet!

He does not appear to be claiming copyright on them.
Is impersonating a CFII some sort of violation ? :emoji6: I didn’t see anything horrifyingly dangerous. And at least he said his special talent was showing what not to do.
midlifeflyer said:
Someone on another forum suggested it was the last series, the "instruction" given to the new instrument pilot. Technical legality/illegality aside, we know from Bryan's experience, the FAA doesn't treat "impersonating a CFI" as a joking matter.
Would like to think so, but...

he didn’t claim to be a CFI and I don’t think he signed any log books as CFI. So is that really being a CFI?
Tarheelpilot said:
He was a lot closer to being an instructor than he should have been in my opinion.
I agree. But enough to nail him? I am just trying to think of what FAR he would have violated.

No definition of “flight training” or “training” in Part 1. 61.1 defines that sort of circularly for this purpose as the training received from an authorized instructor.

Looks like 61.3 (d)(2) might apply. It lists the things that require an instructor certificate. But this lists training to qualify for solo flights and endorsements.

It didn’t seem like he was doing any of those things.

Not to defend Air Wagner.
EdFred said:
You use that word. I do not think it means what you think it means And I specifically addressed your point - which you conveniently ignored.
Actually, I do have to agree with @LesGawlik on this specific point. By including the words "just in case you were confused" that does technically qualify as an attack on the speaker, because of the assertion about the speaker's state of mind. The main point could be rephrased to avoid that fallacy, such as "the standards of evidence are different for a criminal trial and an internet forum" or something like that.

In my experience, many of the figures of speech that one might use in casual conversation without causing offense, such as including "you think", can easily be interpreted as not being kind on internet forums. Probably often not much offense intended, but it can come across offensively.
As to Air Wagner, I tend to agree with those who think he consistently demonstrates substandard flying and does not appear to get the point or be amenable to feedback about it. Another poster above noted that he likely received too much attention early on for some of his unsafe antics. And that can then become the driver for further videos of the same questionable airmanship.
In terms of actual violations which the FAA might have spoken to him about. Was the dive at a 45 degree angle with the 3000 fpm descent through a hole in the clouds after cancelling IFR a failure to land properly out of an instrument approach using normal maneuvering? Or does the fact that he cancelled VFR get him off the hook there? Did he have proper clearance from the clouds to be cancelling and flying VFR there?
midlifeflyer said:
It will probably be gone from there as soon as someone reports it to Vimeo. Copies of his removed videos have appeared before. Doesn't mean there won't be bootlegs somewhere else.
Yes, captured that one off of Vimeo for posterity. Are there copies of other Air Wagner videos around. Perhaps we can make a collection. I would like to get a copy of the 45 degree bank and 3000 fpm dive.

I was able to find the bay bridge with daughter and friends one as well.
PaulS said:
People have copied them, he had re edited or deleted the one where he pops out of the bottom of a cloud at high speed in the start of a death spiral, but someone reposted it, I think in a professional pilot forum. I found the instruction one on the googles.
Would love to get the dropping out of the cloud one. Just found the flight into smoke one and downloaded.
PaulS said:
I knew that comment was coming. Good luck figuring an actual mean or median.
Actually, I think the distribution of IQ scores for the general population is known rather well. It is close to a normal distribution and the mean, median, and mode are all close to 100.
Samuel Seidel said:
His online presence appears to have vanished. I can't find a single video of him.
I have links to 4 of the more notorious that were around a few days ago. As well as downloads. PM me if interested.
Nothing worth saving this one for I guess.

I don’t understand why with the very nice panel he has he has just a CO sticker rather than a real detector.
I suppose there could even be a posthumous video, given that if he crashes, there will no doubt be several cameras running. And with solid state memory cards, it seems like these can often be recovered.