Airbus and Siemens vs Pipistrel


New member
Airbus got wind of the fact that Pipistrel were planning to fly their all-electric aircraft across the channel this week, beating Airbus's own attempt which they've been pouring lots of money and publicity into. So, they leaned on the supplier of the electric motor to Pipistrel, and had them forbid Pipistrel from using it for the flight (I guess it was leased or borrowed, and not purchased).

Pathetic behaviour by the two big companies here.
Unit74 said:
If I was Pipestrel, I'd do,it anyway. Eff them.
If payment had been made on the motor and there was nothing in the sales contract to say otherwise, then Siemens was making a vacuous demand.

On one hand, going forward with the flight anyway would, at a minimum, have forced Pipistrel to find another motor supplier for its electric aircraft. On the other hand, how can Pipistrel now trust Siemens as a motor supplier? It can't. Besides, from the articles it sounds like Siemens had cancelled future sales anyway, so going ahead wouldn't have cost Pipistrel anything.

I see that this strong-arming by Airbus and Siemens is getting some traction in the press, so they should be paying the deserved price in negative PR.