Airplane buying- Pay retail, bargain, what???

If a purchaser has an specific airplane in mind he wants, what is customary? Is it bargaining like buying a car or house or like buying clothes off the rack (pay what it says on the sticker).

Obviously I know there's wiggle room for pre-flown airplanes. My question pertains to the new airplane smell.
steingar said:
I've never bought anything big without some haggling, including my cars. Only chumps pay the asking price.
Don't always count on it. It always depends on the market. Personal example: When we sold our last house we had 13 offers - all were over the asking price. :) Our real estate agents (we had a mother-daughter team; the father taught real estate classes at a community college, so they were nowhere near being tyros) tried to set what they thought was a good high asking price in a seller's market and still managed to come up short. (Obviously this was a while back - in 2005.) The market was that crazy.