Airport name on CTAF

Adam Weiss

New member
Ever go to an airport you’ve never been to before and announce “XXX traffic”, only to hear other traffic say “YYY”?

Two examples I’ve had:
“Stearman Traffic”....nope “Benton Traffic”
“Branson Traffic”....nope “Point Lookout Traffic”

Sometimes it’s not obvious at all.
How do you figure it out if you’ve never been there?
sarangan said:
A bigger issue I see is that pilots start talking before the PTT really engages, and the airport name becomes garbled or chopped off entirely, leading to a transmission such as "traffic, Cessna 123 turning left downwind blah blah..."
Isn’t this partly why one is supposed to repeat the name of the airport at the end “AkChin traffic, N123 turning left base runway 22, AkChin” ?