Airport selection?


My sister recently relocated from out west to within easy flying distance with my Cherokee. In looking for airports near her new residence, the closest one is described in the AF/D as

3315 x 50 feet / 1010 x 15 meters
Surface: Asphalt in Poor Condition

I've landed on grass plenty of times (intentionally), but when exploring new airports with my meager not-quite two hundred hours of flight time and on-again/off-again flying life since getting my PPL in 2004, I am pretty conservative and haven't landed on any fields that were described as being in "poor" condition. Anyone have any thoughts? In an airport described as above, does that mean I'd be having to avoid potholes as big as Buicks, or just that I might feel a less than silky smooth surface? To avoid, or not to avoid? Obviously, that's plane-dependent. Again, I fly a PA28A-140.

Matthew Rogers said:
I know, but I called the airport manager last fall and he told me I could land there at that time. And if it is public and not Notam-Ed and the airport manager told me I could land there ...........
Seems like a perfect flight for the week and at least a low pass to see what is going on.
Matthew Rogers said:
I know, but I called the airport manager last fall and he told me I could land there at that time. And if it is public and not Notam-Ed and the airport manager told me I could land there ...........
It does seem like a good target for a small POA fly-in :emoji846: