Alaska: Best traffic law ever.


New member

The highway that runs from Anchorage to the Kenai Peninsula, the Seward Hwy, has frequent "pull-off" lanes (or "turn-out" lanes) for slow traffic and about a mile before each "turn-out" is a sign reading:

It's the law, if you're delaying five vehicles then get the f*** out of the way!
And on our return to anchorage, I actully saw a tropper pull over a large motor home that was doing about 40mph and holding up at least 15 vehicles after it passed a "turn-out" lane without using it.

That rocks!

(At least in the opinion of this very impatient individual!)

Every state needs this law! Simply worded "if you can't do the speed limit then either stay off the roads or get out of the way when someone is behind you. You shouldn't mind pulling over to let someone go by because you're obviously not in a hurry!"