Am I full of crap?


New member
I put this in one of my other postings. But I'm thinking about it more and everytime I get more annoyed.

So I took my original checkride on July 2nd. Failed it (I knew I would but wanted to have the experience - say what you will about that but everyone hipped it up about how terrifying it is and so I wanted to experience.) Fortunately I passed the Oral portion no problem. But failed alot of the flight stuff - supposedly due to not knowing trim.

So was training with a CFI for about 17 hours in those 60 days...the majority in the last two weeks or so. Had the plan to do the checkride yesterday. On Monday I got up early (4am) with my husband since he had a meeting to go to and he likes to turn on all the lights <sigh> Went to work had alot of crap happen - Case of the Mondays. <grin> Went out to the airport to find my instructor. He says "Change of plans you're doing the checkride today - Leo is on his way" I was like "What - I don't have a chance today...I'm tired and really fustrated about work stuff" Pretty much said either I know it or I don't and you're time is up. Well I sure would've rather had a discussion about it then to waste $200. We filled out the paperwork and whatnot. They were surprised I didn't have my knowledge test paper results with me (Hello genius this was suppose to happen tomorrow) Failed the 'ride again. Just wasn't mentally or physically prepared for it. They thought it was hog wash. I'm so mad. Couldn't my CFI called and said "Uh Sara you're 60 days is up on Wednesday...the DPE is available only today whatcha think?" I would've said "No thanks I don't feel all that confident" and then thought about what I want to do. So now I'm $200 lighter and still have to think about what I want to do.

Let the depressing replies begin.:confused:
My useless opinion: you're not full of crap - just too meek and willing to please others. Whether your husband, CFI, or DPE. The latter two definitely took advantage of your meekness to suit their schedules.

My very unprofessional opinion is you need to change your personality (very hard to do - but getting ****ed at yourself and them is a good start!): you need to be more assertive and in command, both of your training, life, and the airplane. Need to train yourself to be in the perpetual mood of "I'm going to put this plane where I want it as if the god damn things is on rails. It goes when I say, not before. And I'm in charge, not some dead-weight CFI or DPE."

Don't be a passenger, be the driver - of all aspects. It is good to get angry and in the mood to kick some ***. Then direct it to self-improvement with your rational part.

(Can't believe I wrote the above - looks like the self-help junk I've never cared for!)
Henning said:
IIRC, he has signed her off twice, once at 150hrs and once 60 days and 17 hrs later. I take none of this story at face value.
You recall incorrectly. Two instructors. Your home work for today is to read posts 19, 11, and 1.

If you take none of the story at face value then you shouldn't be commenting. Saracelica's factual claims have been consistent since the first time I read about her first failed check ride.