AME Deferred me...


New member
Ok so my AME deferred my application because for concerns about my blood pressure and also take medication for it. Normally, my blood pressure on avg sits around 135/70. But, because I was nervous at the AME's office, my blood pressure was 152/90. I must have been really nervous for it to be that high. Although, it's still below the FAA's limit of 155/95. Also I passed my color vision test, but when preforming the test it took a bit of time for me to make out some of the numbers. I am not sure if he will note that to the FAA. So basically what I am asking is, since my application has been deferred, what will and should be expecting from the FAA? I hope not to be denied... Any thoughts?

Unregistered said:
Well he said it's because my blood pressure medication and color vision test are on the edge and wants the FAA to make the call on my medical clearance which makes no sense because I meet the requirement. This will only prolong the clearance...
Good luck. If you can give a hint as to who the AME is, or what city he practices im, that may help others avoid that person.