American Airlines Cites Obama for Delay; Hysteria Ensues


New member
Can a meteor just hit us already?

Pilot had a Trump sticker on his bag so that means he can't mention Obama's name without a political firestorm. He announced that they were delayed because of a TFR for President Obama. A NBC "journalist" on the plane rapidly tweeted out that a pilot with a Trump sticker was blaming Obama for the delay.

You can read the timeline from there. Wailing and gnashing of teeth.

And now AA responded saying they are referring the matter to their leadership team. Do I think the pilot will actually get in trouble? Depends on how hot the fire gets. But AA has to put on a good front for all the foaming at the mouth tweeters I guess.^tfw^tfw
How about eliminating TFRs for politicians generally. What actually are the odds that some sort of attack will happen from the air if these TFRS were eliminated vs. keeping them in place? I suspect very low so the TFRs are much ado about a very low probability event.