Another fine, upstanding TSA employee....


New member
Link to story

On April 10, Bob Seashols, a Coordination Center Officer for the Transportation and Security Administration (TSA) at the Richmond International Airport (RIC) and an administrator for Atheists United’s Facebook page, took part in a coordinated effort to populate pornographic images, extreme profanity, and sexually explicit anti-Christian hate-speech on the Facebook page of Ken Ham, an internationally known Christian ministry leader
Yah don't need to be a supporter of Christianity to know that what Seashols did was wrong. And the arrogance he displays in the interview is exactly what's wrong with the TSA....
wsuffa said:
This thread has nothing whatsoever to do with religion.
That's not clear to me. The linked web page is on a site promoting religion (from their About page: "Vision to America exists to help America return to our Founding Father's vision for a Christian Republic.") Disagreement over religion appears to be the causal element for the dispute; the employment of the alleged attacker appears to me to be secondary. If the alleged hacker had been a bus driver defacing a trucker's web page, would the incident really say anything about bus drivers in general?

As an atheist who abhors the TSA, I'm quite perturbed to read that atheists are employed there. There is a special place in Hades for those people! :D