Any female pilot forums out there?


New member
Hi all,

Looking for female pilot forums. I know about the WAI and the 99s, and I know there are some airline and military female pilot forums, but I'm looking for GA forums.

Yesterday someone touted me on the following taildragger forum and that looks like a neat site and that a lot of flying fun goes on there. I contacted them and the reply I got was as good and welcoming as was the site--but, its pretty much just for taildragger ladies. I'm a nose-wheel lady and am looking for something that includes nose-wheel flyers.

Anybody know of any GA pilot forums that are principally female or geared towards females?👸
Was this query triggered by any of the other posts on this forum that seemed to make a presumption that if there were any women reading this forum, they didn't matter?
Michele said:
Geez, No, not at all. It was prompted by a recent encounter with some arrogant insensitive male pilots and later in a discussion with someone about this particular encounter, that someone told me about the women's taildragger site. I thought it was a great site and wondered if there were other similar sites, particularly for nose-wheel fliers like myself. And so I posted my query.

I've always found people on the board friendly, helpful, pretty accepting and always positive. Oh yeah, and many, pretty funny!
OK - thanks - just curious.

Some of the most arrogant insensitive pilots I've encountered online are taildraggers. Treat us tricycle gear-only pilots like we're a menace to aerial navigation! :D