AOA indicator - who can tell me more ?

Pat Flyer

New member
I imagine you have all heard about thought given by the FAA as to imposing the use in the future of AOA indicators.

I have read about them and understand their operation but have never seen them in a plane I flew myself.
Are they really that interesting as a safety device ?
What do you think about making them mandatory ?

Thanks for your answers
I see two theories, which aren't mutually exclusive:

(1) AoA indicators should reduce landing loss-of-control accidents because fewer pilots would feel the need to come in faster on final than is needed or safe.

(2) AoA indicators wouldn't substantially reduce accidents due to stalls because stall horns and buffeting already provide an equivalent measure of warning.

I don't know how many people dispute (1), but if it is true then the validity of (2) isn't as important since (1) should justify their wider use.