Are Old Logged Hours Still Valid


New member
I flew much of my Private Pilot training 20 years ago and then have taken it up again recently with the same instructor I flew with 20 years ago. He studied my logbook and said that all requirements were there except for three things; long XC, 2 more hours under the hood and night XC.

Unfortunately he has been near impossible to schedule time with and has seemingly just turned greedy, wanting to sell time and rental, and not focused on working through the learning process with the student.

I live in the boonies so my choice of instructors is EXTREMELY limited. I found someone who I will now fly with. Upon meeting him and talking with him, he said "we are going to start all over again." I have no trouble with that since hopefully I will move along faster due to my previous training and the fact that I have solo'd since I started again.

What I'm questioning is that if I understood him correctly, he said the reg's are changing all the time and you will have to do all the requirements again. He is the ONLY CFI that I have talked to since starting over who has told me that.

I am still in the process of getting to know him and gaining trust in him. I feel good about him on most all fronts except for him saying this. If he were simply saying he wanted to start over again I have no trouble, but since he says my old hours are no good, I'm wondering if there is a hidden agenda.

Thanks for your comments,