ARTCC transmitting and receiving stations


New member
Are there different receiveing and transmitting stations for the same center frequency? Going into airports in a certain area of Indy center control I seem to not be able to hear the controller and then attempt to contact them and can hear the controller loud and clear. Are center controller able to choose where they transmit based on the aircraft location?
Jim_R said:
At the very least, it would help avoid pilots stepping on each other's transmissions to the same controller.

It's also somewhat disconcerting to hear only half a conversation. I pick up info that helps with my own SA when I can hear conversations between ATC and other traffic.

So I agree it'd be nice.
On one hand it appears that would tie up multiple frequencies with the same transmission. On the other hand if there is only one controller handling those frequencies then the repeaters shouldn't generally affect actual ATC utilitization of those bands.